When you have some local pain, a chiropractic expert will tell you that the actual issue has started elsewhere. For instant, any issue with the lower spine may prompt your upper spine to react (compensate) causing you some headache. A lower back issue, alternatively, may impact on your walking style (or gait) causing some knee or ankle pain. Chiropractic care helps to treat a variety of muscular and skeletal related problems simply by looking at the human body as a single entity (organism). Chiro care traces the root of the pain through deep attention to your spine putting you on to the recovery path.

What the Chiropractic doctor does

Examines you

Your chiropractic doctor talks to you concerning your condition before and after completing a thorough physical exam. This exam involves feeling your spine, pelvis and head, requesting you to stands and walk, and analyzing your x-rays if required. Your chiropractor can carry out the treatment procedures by adjusting your spine while you sit, lie down and stand or in combination. Sometimes you can hear a clunking or clicking sound during the spinal adjustment but this isn’t usually painful. They can also use the following adjustment methods:

Spinal manipulation

Chiropractors basically use the spinal manipulation technique as a form of treatment. This method includes massages and movements aimed at adjusting your spine and the related tissues. This method is very effective in the management of back pains. It is also safe especially on the treatment of the cervical spine. Such adverse outcomes as death are very rare as far as this method is concerned.

Hands-on techniques

A chiropractic doctor can also utilize other chiro techniques that include mobilizations and manipulations to diagnosis or fix joint structures and soft tissues so as to lower the pain and improve the patients’ range of motion.

These approaches are, in general, conservative and may involve:

•    Manual processes, such as joint or spinal mobilization or manipulation, reflex, and soft tissue techniques.

•    Active care aspects such as physical exercises; light exercises and lifting

•    Psychological tactics of patient management

•    Educating the patients on the need for spinal health, proper lifestyle and nutritional modification and good posture.

•    Acute pain management and emergency treatment

•    Various supportive precautions such as the utilization of orthotics and back supports

•    Recognition of some complementary things and referrals to other professionals in the field of health and medicine


Generally, spinal manipulation is regarded as the cost-effective way of handling the musculoskeletal conditions. It can be used in combination with any other treatment approaches or alone. There is adequate evidence that supports the spinal manipulations cost-effectiveness especially in the treatment of chronic or sub acute low back pains.

Procedures to Expect During a visit to the Chiropractor